
Tips for Planning an Outdoor New Year's Party in Venice, CA

Tips for Planning an Outdoor New Year’s Party in Venice, CA

Venice, California, known for its bohemian spirit, iconic boardwalk, and artistic community, offers a unique backdrop for hosting a New Year’s Eve celebration. Planning an outdoor event here can be a remarkable experience if done right. Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensure your Venice New Year’s bash is both memorable and seamless.

1. Venue Selection

a. The Brig Parking Lot

b. Venice Beach Boardwalk

c. Windward Plaza Park

Other venues to consider include the serene Venice Canals for intimate gatherings and Ocean Front Walk for medium to large-scale events.

2. Weather Prep

While Venice boasts of its mild winters, the temperatures can dip, especially during late evenings. Keeping your guests comfortable should be a priority.

3. Permits and Regulations

Before you dive into the fun planning phase, there’s some paperwork to be considered. Venice, being a bustling neighborhood, has specific regulations.

4. Sourcing Local Talent

One of Venice’s crowning jewels is its thriving artistic community. Utilizing local talent can give your event an authentic touch.

5. Ensuring Safety

Safety should always be at the forefront of any event planning.

6. Transport and Accessibility

Venice can be bustling, especially during significant events.

In Conclusion:

Planning an outdoor New Year’s party in Venice, California, can be an exhilarating experience. With the right venue, preparation, and local touches, you can create a night that will be remembered for years to come. As the sun sets on the old year, let the vibrant spirit of Venice uplift your celebration into the new one. Happy planning and an even happier New Year!